Tips on decorating a large wall

Finding the perfect artwork for your large wall can be very challenging, but there are a variety of options to go about it. Here are tips on how to go about it:


1. Singular moments: Using singular artworks for instance graffiti art prints for sale from graffiti art gallery requires you to find something special to embrace an empty space. The artwork does not need to fill the space. You can also select among options such as f artwork, photograph, wall hanging, or mirror.


You might start by checking the right match of the artwork and then working on dimensions to maximize the impact in the space. Again, the artwork or piece can be anchored to a logical spot-centered above a sofa, between two accent pieces, or at the halfway mark of the wall—and then hang it at eye level.


Do not look for height symmetry when hanging frames but keep focus on the eye level because that makes it natural and effortless to draw attention.


2. Paired up: Two pieces of work will introduce greater structure and visual interest and beauty if they mix or match or complement. You can also use both artworks and photographs. Two pieces of work can be used to balance an existing feature such as a door or to establish continuity on each side of a fireplace.


Consistency is important -- for instance ensuring the two frames match and align horizontally on the wall. You can also try keeping your negative space equal if working with uneven wall sizes on eacj side of fireplace.


3. Tightly curated: A gallery wall can be trendy when artwork and photos are grouped together. You can choose a handful of frames or an eclectic arrangement or align them on a central axis or spawning from a single point.


You can also blend horizontals, squares, and verticals of varying scales. Sleek black frames can also be used to achieve crisp modern looks. You can also default to all white in order to achieve a lighter, clean light touch.


The style fits for displaying themes or showcasing photos and graffiti art prints for sale from graffiti art gallery.


4. Showcased collection: How you showcase will depend on the nature of object although most such as vintage postcards or drawings will fit naturally on the frames. You can also play them by surrounding them with large matting boards etc or introduce a baseline to design against.